Space Software (MSc/BSc elective)
Space Technologies, Applications and SeRvices - STAR Master Program and Dept. of Aerospace, University of Athens.
Requirements and Specifications
Requirements elicitation and Analysis; Validation, Specification and Goal modelling; Space Software Standards
Formal Verification
Engineering dependable systems; From requirements and specifications to formal guarantees; Actionable techniques and technologies
Real-Time Operating Systems
Timing requirements; Scheduling and synchronization primitives; RTEMS & FreeRTOS
Space Upstream
Flight Software & compute stack; From embedded to CCSDS Mission Operation Services; Space Software Frameworks
Software Design & Software Architecture
Design techniques; Architecture layers, styles & representations
Software Testing
Failures, Faults & Errors; White-box Testing; Testing Coverage & Criteria; Black-box Testing
Space Downstream
Ground “Data” Systems; Primer on Distributed and Service-based Systems; Web Services and the Cloud for the New Space Downstream; The IoT-Cloud Continuum
Operating Systems (BSc)
- Processes and Scheduling
- Memory and Segmentation
- Concurrency and threading
- Filesystems and I/O
Theses - In progress
- Space-Age DevOps: Kubernetes On-board
- Interfacing Robot Control with the F’ Flight Software Framework.
- Critical Software Testing with MC/DC in Practice.
- Interfacing and Quantitative Analysis of Serial Communication Protocols in the F’ Flight Software Framework.
Προυπόθεσεις για υποψήφιους/ες: άριστη δυνατότητα με θέματα ανάπτυξης λογισμικού και κορυφαίες επιδόσεις στα σχετικα μαθήματα (βλ. αριστερά).
Completed Theses
P. Kolios. "From Flight Software Development Process and Product Metrics to Continuous Integration for the ESA ERMIS Microsatellite Mission", 2025.
Ilias Kasiotakis. "Integration of the ICER Compression Algorithm in the F′ Flight Software Framework", 2023.
Angelos D. Motsios. "SAT Solving as a Component for the F’ Flight Software Framework", 2023.